Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What a difference 3 months can make...

During the summer, when I wasn't looking, I lost my shy little girl. Last school year, when she was in the first grade, she wouldn't look at you when, and IF, she talked to you. I even went as far to request a teacher at school that is more quite and easy going, and that I knew would work well with her shyness.

Boy, was I WRONG!

After just a few weeks of school, my little chatter box has had to be moved 3 times already. The first sign I had of it was when we were starting reading time in her room one night. She said, "Mom, I had to stay inside during recess today because I didn't get my math done". I started to worry thinking that she was struggling with addition. But, after a few questions, she said, "I didn't miss hardly any recess! I got it done before most of them got outside!". Which tells this mom she was too busy talking to worry about her math until threaten with her recess.

The next morning I stopped in and talked to her teacher, Mrs. Chugg. I asked her about Ky missing, or should I say being late for recess. She laughed and confirmed my theory that Ky and Isiah were talking, but she breezed through it when told to stay in and finish it. So, as any good mom would do, I asked Mrs. Chugg to move her away from Isiah. KY WAS NOT HAPPY WITH ME! I stopped in later that morning to see she had been moved two rows back, and if looks could kill - I wouldn't be here typing today. By the time she got home from school that day she said she had forgiven me, "because any way, the new kids talk to me too!". Fabulous....

Well, it is now going on the 4th week of school, and I just found out that Ky has been moved for the 3rd time and has finally landed right in front of Mrs. Chugg's desk. Which, by the way, Ky seemed fine with saying, "it makes it easier to talk to Mrs. Chugg". I guess she has a little bit of me in her after all :)