Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Adam, Carie & Girls

When Joel and I began dating, we decided to set up our best friends. They already knew one another, in fact -if I remember right- Carie thought Adam was kinda obnoxious, Adam...obnoxious...NEVER ;) Anyway, on attempt # 2 or 3, the four of us crammed into my red Geo Metro and headed out to Mulligans to go mini-golfing. When walking up to pay, Joel acted like he forgot his wallet in my car, we started walking back to my car, got in and drove away.....We left them there alone for two hours :) Long story short, they got married 6 months before Joel and I.

Carie made this slide show of their family. They have the cutest girls, full of energy, just like their Dad! They recently moved from Riverdale up 5 hours into Idaho. Even though we didn't see them often enough, we already miss them terribly. While watching the slide show she emailed me, my kids started asking if we were going to Adam and Carie's Halloween party this year... I had to remind them that they no longer lived in Riverdale. Ky first said - It's going to be a long drive to go to their birthday parties :)

p.s. Happy Birthday about 10 days!