Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I know your going to be jealous.....

So...My Sister and I went on a ticket buying spree, kinda... First, Susie and I, and a large group of friends and family bought tickets to go see the first midnight showing of Twilight. Can't wait. There is even talk about getting matching "Team Edward" shirts for this special occasion!


Yes, it's true (I can't believe I am admitting this to the four people that read this) My sister and I, minus the large group of family and friends that DID NOT want to go, got really good seats to go see the New Kids On The Block in concert on Nov 15th. It's going to be hilarious! Don't get me wrong, I LOVED them back in the day, but now it just kind of comical, or sad, but it should be a ton of laughs! I'll let you know all about it after so you can live vicariously though me :) They are coming with some pretty good opening acts, so hopefully it will turn out okay.