Friday, December 12, 2008

I have been stuffed full for the past 24 hours. Last night, Joel and I, went to Maddox up in Brigham City for the Brent Alvey Plumbing, Inc. Christmas Party. It' is my favorite place to eat, it's the best! Joel and I had our wedding rehearsal dinner there with all of our family, I loved it. Anyway, the night was a lot of fun and it was nice to see my brother relax and have a good time. The kid works WAY to hard. All together their were 10 of us, Brent & Christi, Joel and I, Nick and Anita, Glen and his wife, and Chris & his wife. Thanks Brent, dinner was FABULOUS and I couldn't ask for a more wonderful boss! Your the BEST, I love ya :)

Then this morning, after dropping my kids off to school, I attended the annual PTA Christmas Breakfast at Village Inn. Only 8 of the board members showed up with Susan England (principal) and Quinn Karlinsey (asst. Principal). I enjoyed being able to meet with these fabulous people and not have to discuss the happenings at the school, well...officially anyway. We did drill Quinn about where he might be placed this next school year, but of course he doesn't know yet. I am praying that Quinn is the one chosen to be the next Principal at Midland. Susan England is retiring at the end of this year and we are all in suspense waiting to hear who the next Principal will be.

Quinn also dropped a huge bomb on me this morning. With all of the boundary changes that will happen next year, Midland Elementary will be getting about 200 students from Freedom Elementary. The school board held an Open House style meeting the other night at Freedom so that the parents who have students transferring to Midland could have a few questions answered. Quinn told me about the parents who he talked to had heard the Midland had a wonderful PTA.

OH BOY! They are going to be really disappointed when next year comes around and they find out they have me as the PTA President. Even though I have been REALLY involved in the PTA, being the President is going to be a huge challenge. It's going to be Principal, new PTA President, new boundaries with new students and new parents - and it's the new parents that scare me the most. Some of the new parents are not happy about this change, and I don't blame them, I wouldn't be either if the shoe were on the other foot. Oh well, ready or not...I'll give it my best.