Friday, December 19, 2008

The E.R.

Well, as many of you know, my husbands life would not be complete without MANY trips to the E.R. ~ I do what I can!

On Wednesday morning it started with chest pain that I thought was asthma. After using my inhaler and other asthma medicine's, it didn't go away. So, I went home and took a nap - thinking I was over doing it in VERY cold weather, which is very bad for those that have asthma. Cold + Asthma = BAD NEWS. However, by late that night the sharp pain in my chest was still there.

So, Davis Hospital E.R. here we come! (Yes, I know people die there Christi, but ...NEWS FLASH... they die at McKay too ;) Anyways, the doctor and nurses were fabulous and enjoyed my husband teasing and harassing me the entire time. I'm glad I could provide the laughs! It ended up being, after hours and hours, that I pulled chest muscles while working out at lady fitness, and breathing and coughing (from the cold+Asthma) made my chest muscles hurt VERY BADLY! Okay, I admit, I'm a wimp - this is not a news flash!

Now with the help of pain medicine (for the pulled chest muscles), cold & flu medicine (for the cold) and asthma medicine (as a preventive), I feel rather fabulous! Never better :)

And just for the record...If Joel decides to post the pictures that he took in the E.R. with his iPhone, I...WILL...GET...EVEN! Dude...I totally know where you sleep, or better yet...I know how to get in contact with those fabulous gentlemen you work with and I am sure they would LOVE to help me! I do believe a few more people look at that website you work on compared to my blog :)