Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Fun

Friday night, while Joel took his Mom out to dinner and Christmas shopping, I took the kids to the Ward Christmas party. The kids each took a friend, so I was a little worried about being by myself. Luckily the Gentry's and the Olsen's came over and sat by me and made the night bearable. Both of the Daines' boys played with the Roy High Jazz Band for our entertainment and then Santa Clause made his appearance. I was really surprised that both of my kids went up to see him, but then Ry said, "Mom, the guy was giving out candy. I tried to sneak behind him and take it but Kallie Bingham did the smack down on me and told me to get in line". Thanks Kallie! I should have figured he was getting something out of it. At least I have great pictures of them setting on Santa's lap - I thought for sure that wouldn't happen this year :)

Saturday night the four of us went with my Brother and his family to dinner and to see the Layton City lights. My brother was also babysitting his neighbors kids, so we had kids 7 kids all together...they were everywhere. Dinner was at El Burrito in Clearfield, yummy. Even though it was freezing the we all had a great time walking through the lights. Brent and Joel had to comment on each light display... They were hilarious. Then after the 20 minutes it took to get all of the kids together for a picture, we headed home to match videos. The kids had a great time and thanked us for taking them a bunch of times on the way home.