Wednesday, December 17, 2008

PSS : Snow

This week Kim D. asked us what's your favorite thing about snow? Your favorite thing to do in it? Your favorite memory in relation to it?

My favorite thing about snow is that it keeps my children busy for hours playing in it with friends in the neighborhood. They love to make snowmen, forts, hills to sled down, and anything else they can think of. Most of the time it is me dragging them back in to get warmed up.

My favorite thing to do in it, as an adult, is to take my kids to go sledding. My parents live by Eagle Lake Golf Course in Bountiful and they have awesome hills for sledding. Actually, everywhere you turn up by my parents house there is a good sledding spot, including their front yard. That's a bonus for living up on the bench I suppose. Joel and I love watching our kids while they are sledding, one is very cautious and one is so daring, it's kind of scary... Can you guess which is which?

My favorite memories include going skiing on the weekends with my Dad. My parents put all three of us kids through ski school when we were young, it was fabulous. Night skiing was my favorite. I think it was a way to keep us close by, and out of trouble, during the winter while going through school. It's kind of sad that all of us married NON-skiers. The last time I went skiing was before I got pregnant with Ry, so about 11 years ago.

Unfortunately Joel and Ky have no desire to learn how to ski, or snowboard... Actually, there is a hilarious memory about trying to teach Joel to ski, but that's entire blog worthy all by it self, oh good times :) There is talks about teaching Ry how to snowboard this year with the help of my friend, Joanna. I am sure that he will love it.