Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Weekend...

My weekend started on Friday at lunch with friends. Lynette picked a Japanese place in Layton, Osaka. I can now say I have tasted, due to peer pressure, sushi. YUCK! EWWW! GROSS! NEVER AGAIN!

You can tell in this picture that it took every ounce of control I had to keep it in my mouth! I shiver just thinking about how gross it was. That would be my supportive friend, Shauna, laughing in the background. Hopefully next week we can go somewhere normal...Chili's sounds fabulous!

My nephew, Colton, plays on an U11 soccer team. After forming the team, they had two players drop out. So, Ry decided to join their team - even though he has to play up a level. On Friday night Ry played his first game with the Cougars - he loves the name, btw.

The boys got killed, 18-0. They played La Roca, which for those of you that don't know about La Roca - they are a team that you have to try out to be on, and then pay hundreds of dollars to the coaches every month to coach your kids. So, until Ed McMann shows up on my doorstep, Ry will never play with La Roca, and will continue to get slaughtered by them :o( Better luck next week boys!

On Saturday night, Joel and I attended the adult session of our stake conference. Yeah! We made it! I was very proud that we didn't back out of going at the last moment :)

Afterwords we went to Taco Time with friends from the ward, Justin & Kallie. They are lot of fun and it was nice to be able to visit without the kids there bugging us.

After spending today working on our taxes, we went to my nephew's birthday party. Bodee turned 2 today! Happy Birthday Bodester!

Ryan, Bodee's dad, decorated that fabulous cake! Lucky kid :)

Now, it's time to start taking baths, reading time, and then my favorite part of the day....bed time!